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Templates - checklist - procedure template for publication to EPD-Norway

EPD-Norway requires that the checklist, course documentation and procedures are uploaded when publishing the EPD to EPD Norway.

All documents must be uploaded as PDF.
The file name cannot contain special letters and spaces.
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General checklists:

Sjekkliste for EPD generator >

Checklist - English >

Industry-specific checklists are found in the Industry-specific Help Center.

Save as PDF.
For a detailed explanation of the checklist, read here

The person responsible for checking the EPD must sign the checklist. 
The checklist has to be unique for the EPD that is published.

Course certificate:

Course documentation is uploaded to the document folder in the tool,  after completing the course.
Course certificates are in the "Documents" folder.

Only upload the course certificate for the person responsible for checking the EPD.

Procedure description:
EPD-Norge requires that a procedure description be attached. This is an example of such a document.

Prosedyreforslag Mal.docx

Procedure_template english.docx

The procedure document describes how data is collected and used to develop the EPD in the company.

Save as PDF.

For a detailed explanation of the checklist, read here

After the publication of the EPD, EPD Norway makes contact with the contact person on the EPD.

Kontakt EPD Norge